Prodigy Labs Blog

Meet The Team Spotlight: Ankur Joshi

Written by Prodigy Labs | Sep 21, 2022 11:00:00 AM

We asked Ankur Joshi, QA Analyst at Prodigy to share some of his experiences working at the company, how it feels to work remotely from day one, and why he is passionate about the tech industry. Continue reading for Ankur's full interview.

  • Q: What do you do at Prodigy?
    A: I am a Quality Assurance Analyst, currently working on the IDVerifact team doing whatever is necessary to get the best version of the product out to the market.

  • Q: What does your day-to-day at Prodigy typically look like?
    A: Typically, I start the day by going through the stories that are in the QA list, starting with the ones ready to be tested. If there are any issues or gaps in the tickets, I reach out to the right person on my team to help me with that. I also raise bugs, if needed, or retest if necessary. Once these tickets are taken care of, I go through the tickets that are blocked and sort out any that either had an update or can be retested. Finally, in my downtime, I take on any personal "pet" projects such as optimization of the automation suites by weeding any redundant tests and adding new ones based on the current status or look and feel of the product.

  • Q: What is your favourite part about working at Prodigy?
    A: That part most definitely is the independence with which I can do my work and perform my duties without jeopardizing any accountability. I was associated with Prodigy for close to 4 years as a contractor before becoming a full time employee during the COVID-19 lockdown. From day one I was given the freedom to choose the testing tools, methodologies and to set up testing best practices based on my previous experiences.

  • Q: What is your favourite memory at Prodigy so far?
    A: This is a tricky one since I have two distinctive ones. As I mentioned earlier, I joined Prodigy during the COVID-19 pandemic which means the entire team has been working remotely from day one but that didn't deter us from having some fun. These two memories are the Virtual Escape Room and Trivia Night "game nights." During these events, I got to see a different side of the people I work with; understanding how fun-loving and competitive my team members can be in addition to getting to know them a bit more outside of work.

  • Q: How did you become interested in the tech industry?
    A: To answer this question I need to take a circuitous route. Growing up, I was introduced to technology as a whole gradually as certain tech items which would be popular in North America and Europe, wouldn't reach India until 5 years later. When my cousins who lived in these continents visited me, they used to bring with them tech items that just fascinated me and that fascination later became my career.

  • Q: What is something most people don't know about you?
    A: Oh, that's easy, the answer is I like to talk. Currently, due to the remote work conditions, conversations can be a little to the point which makes people think that I talk less.

Ankur's expertise and passion for technology make him a fantastic addition to the company. We are very lucky to have him as part of the team!